Publicity: Checklist for Publicity
1) Major newspapers
a) Assignment Editor
b) Calendar Editor
c) Specialty reporters (if you know of one)
2) Weekly newspapers
a) Assignment Editor
b) Calendar Editor
c) Specialty reporters (if you know of one)
3) Neighborhood newspapers
a) Editor (they usually have only one)
b) Calendar
4) Radio and T.V. stations
a) Assignments Editor
b) Producer of a special program
5) Hotel concierges (Out-of-towners often ask concierges what’s going on in town.)
6) Visitor’s bureaus and tourist information sites
7) Niche publications (when it’s relevant)
8) Ethnic, religious, and gender-affiliated newspapers, newsletters and blogs
9) Newsletters, e.g. community councils, neighborhood chambers of commerce, professional, hobby, church and Sunday bulletins (often these are electronic)
10) Postcards, sent through the mail to everyone on the mailing list and also to personal friends and acquaintances of everyone involved in the event or business.
11) Fliers. Give these to participants to pass out to anyone they meet. Post them on bulletin boards.
a) Niche bulletin boards, schools, work, church, dance studios, yoga centers, health clubs, etc.
b) General bulletin boards, neighborhood grocery stores, pharmacies, neighborhood hardware stores, health food stores, etc.
12) Posters.
13) Display ads.
14) Promotional items, e.g. t-shirts, baseball hats, pens, pins, coffee mugs, etc.
15) Social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc. Have everyone participating in the event post it on Facebook, Twitter, etc., as well as send out notifications to everyone in their address book.
16) Neighborhood blogs.