

Name Covers Contact Comment
425 Magazine 425 is the Eastside’s magazine. Published by the Premier Media Group. Submit community event.

(425) 646.1380

Blues To Do’s Blues and related musical genres in the Seattle-Tacoma area. [email protected]

City Arts Magazine City Arts produces a monthly print magazine, plux daily digital content and events calendar@

(206) 443-0445

To submit to Current or our print calendar:

Calendar is not comprehensive and not all events will be added.

Earshot Jazz Earshot Jazz cultivates the legacy and progression of the Jazz art form. (206) 206.547.6763

[email protected]

Send PR for events related to Jazz or improvisational music.
Seattle Met Produced by SagaCity Media.

(206) 957-2234

Event Submission

Submit 2 to 4 weeks prior to event. No Guarantees.
Seattle’s Child Guide to a kid-friendly city. (206) 441-0191


South Sound Magazine

South Sound claims it is the only lifestyle publication exclusively for the South Puget Sound. A publication of the Premier Media Group.

Submit Community Event

(253) 588-5340

South Sound Business

Formerly called Business Examiner, SSB is one of Premier Media Group’s publications. Submit your event

Contact Us

(253) 588-5340


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