Commercial Actor: Multi-Cultural Agencies
Western Washington
ENTCO International, Inc./Lynnwood (AFTRA)
15913 20th Place W
Lynnwood, WA 98087
(425) 670-0888
(425) 670-0777
Contact: Terry Quick.
ENTCO is an event management company which schedules entertainment for parties, corporate meetings, conferences and much more. This agency is currently accepting submissions from all types of people 18 years of age and up. No child submissions please. Click Here for submission information. ENTCO is also looking for art activities artists, caricaturists, comedians, costume characters, multi-cultural groups, look-a-likes, music groups or singers, speakers, and staged shows (such as improv, murder mystery theatre, interactive theatre, etc.).
(See main listing in Chapter 1, Union Franchised Agencies)
Tiffany Talent (Non-Union)
114 Alaskan Way S. #501
Seattle, WA 98104-2585
(206) 264-8433
(206) 260-2479
Contact Tanya Tiffany.
Tiffany Talent represents models and actors. Tiffany Talent is currently accepting submissions from all ages and types, especially Hispanic talent. Click Here for submission information. (See main listing Chapter 1, Non-Union Talent Agencies)
Ryan Artists, Inc. (AFTRA, SAG)
239 NW 13th Street, Suite 201
Portland, OR 97209
503) 274-1005
503) 274-0907
A full-service agency, Ryan Artists is currently accepting electronic submissions of headshots, resumes and voice demos for all ages and types including multi-cultural and stunt talent. Voice reels should be in Mp3 format; links are also welcome. Click Here for submission information. There are open calls for models only. No follow-up calls please. (See main listing Chapter 1, Union Franchised Talent Agencies)