Theatres: Summer Stock



StrawHat Auditions for Non-Equity Summer Stock Performers

1771 Post Road East #315

Westport, CT 06880

[email protected]

Contact: Kirsti Carnahan, Executive Producer.

Founded in 1979, StrawHat supports professional theatre and the careers of non-Equity performers and technical artists looking to develop their careers in theatre with:

  • StrawHat’s combined auditions. This events takes place once a year in New York City and features: 3 days of auditions; 700+ performers; 30+ theatres and producers offering employment opportunities. Auditions open to non-Equity performers age 18 and older. Organizations attending StrawHat Auditions range from summer stock theatres and live entertainment production companies to independent casting directors.
  • StrawHat online services. Online services include searchable profile pages for registered performers (with photo and resume); staff/tech/design database complete with resumes and optional portfolios; and profile pages for each registered company with season info, job listings, and links to company websites.




PO Box 9594

Seattle, WA 98109

(206) 748-1551

[email protected]

Contact: Ken Holmes, Artistic Director.

GreenStage produces several programs each summer, including two full cast Shakespeare plays, and our Backyard Bard series, which is two abbreviated Shakespeare plays both performed by the same cast of 4 actors. Plus we present the Seattle Outdoor Theater Festival. Admission always is free. GreenStage posts auditions at TPS and on its website. (See Ch 1: Theatres: Shakespeare & Ch 1: Theatres: NW Theatre Festivals)

Wooden O (SPT)

C/O Seattle Shakespeare Company

P.O. Box 19595

Seattle, WA 98109-1595

(206) 274-8471

[email protected]

Contact:  Amy Thone, Casting Director.

Wooden O is the outdoor, traveling arm of The Seattle Shakespeare Company.  Wooden O presents 2 to 3 Shakespeare plays each summer at several different locations in the Seattle area.  Auditions are held in February or March and are announced on the Seattle Shakespeare Company and TPS websites.  Rehearsals begin in early June and are held on weekday evenings and weekend days to equal about 25  hours per week.  Performances begin in early July and run Wednesday-Sunday evenings.  All actors are required to participate in the set-up and break-down of the set.  Non-Union actors are paid about $150 per week and Union actors are paid about $200 per week.  Wooden O operates under the AEA Small Professional Theatre Agreement.  (See Ch. 1 Theatres: Shakespeare Theatre and Equity Theatre)


East Side

Camlann Medieval Faire

10320 Kelly Rd NE

Carnation, WA 98014

(425) 788-8624

Roger Shell, President Founded in 1984, Camlann Medieval Village is a living history project portraying rural England in the year 1376.  Auditions are announced in local papers.

Last Leaf Productions

322 N Madison St

Monroe, WA 98272

(425) 330-9304

[email protected]

Contacts: Alexandra Clark or Patricia Haines-Ainsworth, Artistic Directors.

Since 1999, Last Leaf Productions has produced and performed entertaining and/or educational touring productions for children and families. To audition for any the LLP programs, email headshot and resume or attend Last Leaf’s general auditions in April. Individual shows and general auditions are announced on the TPS and LLP websites and social media. Last Leaf produces 2 Summer Shakespeare in the Park productions per season and performers receive an equal share of the “pass the hat” donations. Evening and weekend availability is required for actors working Shakespeare productions. (See Ch.1 Theatres: Non-Union Professional Theatre, Shakespeare Theatre, Children’s Theatre, & Readers Theatre)

Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater

Mailing Address:

PO Box 249

Fall City, WA 98024

Theatre Address:

36800 David Powell Rd.

Fall City, WA. 98024

(425) 736-7252

[email protected]

[email protected]

Contacts: Kelli Zielinski, President, or Linda Carlock, V. President/Secretary

Founded in 1960, The Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater presents outdoor shows every summer. Its open air theater sits amid 95 acres of forest, hiking trails, and Snoqualmie River beachfront. Auditions posted on Facebook and TPS. (See Ch.1: Community Theatre)


North Sound

Shakespeare Northwest Skagit River Shakespeare Festival

Mailing Address:

1500 College Way Suite A Box 502

Mount Vernon, WA 98273

Performance Venue

Rexville-Blackrock Amphitheatre

19299 Rexville Grange Rd

Mount Vernon , WA 98273

(360) 941-5744

(206) 317-3023

[email protected]

Contact: Eal Lundquist, Artistic Director.

Founded in 2001, Shakespeare Northwest presents dramatic productions of high professional quality focused on the works of William Shakespeare. SN produces 2 main stage shows in the Rexville-Blackrock Amphitheatre during July and August. SN typically stages one comedy and one history/tragedy. Shakespeare in the Parks shows perform at various outdoor venues in Skagit and Whatcom counties from mid-June through late July. A touring show participates in Seattle’s Summer Shakespeare Festival. Auditions are announced on the website and Facebook. (See Ch. 1Theatres: Shakespeare)


Peninsula and Islands

Island Stage Left (SA)

1062 Wold Rd.

Friday Harbor, WA 98250

(360) 378-5649

[email protected]

Contact: Helen Machin-Smith, Artistic Director.

Launched in 1997, Island Stage Left produces 3 classic, contemporary and/or new works each year, plus the outdoor, “Shakespeare Under the Stars” shows every summer. To audition, email headshot and resume. Private audition appointments can be scheduled in February. Island Stage Left attends the TPS General Auditions. University of Washington PATP graduate students and alumni are encouraged to schedule an audition. Rehearsals are held 6 days a week for 1 to 3 hours. Performances are Thursday-Sunday in the evenings. Actors are paid. Island Stage Left offers several AEA Special Appearance or Guest Artist Agreements per season. (See Ch. 1 Theatres: Non-Union Professional Theatre)


Eastern Washington

Leavenworth Summer Theater

928 Pine Street

Leavenworth, WA 98826

Admin: (509) 548-7324

Box Office: (509) 548-2000

Founded by John and Susan Wagner and Bill Weis in 1994, Leavenworth Summer Theater is the largest theater between Seattle and Spokane.  LST produces 3 musicals each summer.  Audition information is on website.


Portland Area

Portland Actors Ensemble

PO Box 8671

Portland, OR. 97207

(503) 467-6573

[email protected]

Contact: Michael Godsey, Artistic Director.

Each summer since 1970, Portland Actors Ensemble presents 2 to 3 Shakespeare productions for free in Portland metro area (and surrounding environs) parks, colleges, museums, and wineries. To audition, email or send headshot and resume. PAE announces auditions on their website, in the PDX Backstage Blog, on the PATA website, and attends PATA general auditions. Rehearsals are 4 to 6 weeks and are, predominantly, on weekday evenings. Performances are presented Thursday through Saturday in the evenings with some performances held in the afternoon on Saturday, Sunday, and Labor Day. Portland Actors Ensemble is non-union and pays a minimum of $600.00 per run. PAE can arrange a Letter of Agreement contract for union members with enough advance notice. (See Ch. 1: Partial Equity Theatre)


Greater Oregon

Oregon Shakespeare Festival (AEA LORT B+)

15 S. Pioneer Street

Ashland, OR 97520

(541) 482-2111

For complete submission information:

Founded in 1935, The Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF) is among the oldest and largest non-profit, professional theatres in the US. OSF produces 11 plays (Shakespeare, classical and contemporary classics) in an 8 and 1/2 month season. Acting contracts are either 10 months (January through October) or 7 months (April through the mid- October) and involve casting in multiple productions, including understudy roles. Auditions for AEA principals are announced on the AEA website and hotline as well as on the OSF web site. OSF operates under AEA LORT B+ contract. (See Ch. 1: Theatres: Shakespeare)

Rogue Music Theatre

PO Box 862

Grants Pass, OR 97528

[email protected]

Rogue Music Theatre presents family entertainment.  Auditions are announced on the website.



Coeur D’Alene Summer Theatre (LOA, GA)

Mailing Address:

PO Box 1119

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83816

Theater Location:

The Kroc Center

1765 W. Golf Course Road

Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

(208) 660-2958

[email protected]

[email protected]

Contact: Jadd Davis, Artistic Director.

Established in 1967, Coeur D’Alene Summer Theatre produces 4 to 7 full-scale Broadway musicals the months of June, July and August. CST performs in Kroc Center Theatre in scenic Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Auditions are announced on the CDAST website and on Operates under AEA Letter of Agreement and the Guest Artist Agreement.

Idaho Shakespeare Festival

Mailing Address:

POB 9365

Boise, ID 83707

Performance Venue:

ISF Amphitheater & Reserve

5657 Warm Springs Avenue

Boise, ID 83716

Admin: (208) 429-9908

Box Office: (208) 336-9221

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Contacts: Tom Ford, Artistic Associate; Charles Fee, Producing Artistic Director; or Mark Hofflund, Managing Director.

Founded in 1977, Idaho Shakespeare Festival produces 5 shows a summer in the beautiful outdoor setting of the ISF Amphitheater & Reserve. ISF’s shows and educational programs reach 120,000 K-12 students, teachers, and adults a year. Actors are welcome to submit headshots and resumes at any time. ISF also accepts video auditions. If sending a video, please include a Shakespeare monologue, a contemporary piece and a song (if you sing). Email Tom Ford, Artistic Associate, with attachments or links to your resumes, cover letters and/or uploaded auditions on YouTube. ISF operates under an AEA Letter of Agreement. (See Ch.1: Theatres: Shakespeare)



Bigfork Summer Playhouse

PO Box 456

Bigfork, MT 59911

Box Office: (406) 837-4886

Audition information on website.

Montana Shakespeare in the Parks (GA)

P.O. Box 174120

Bozeman, MT 59717-4120

(406) 994-1220

[email protected]

Contact: Joel Jahnke, Artistic Director. Founded in 1972, Montana Shakespeare in the Parks is a non-union professional touring company in residence at Montana State University.  Auditions are held in Missoula, MT.  MSIP operates under AEA Guest Artist Agreement.

Virginia City Players

338 W. Wallace St.

PO Box 81

Virginia City, MT 59755

Theatre space:

338 W Wallace St

Virginia City, MT 59755

(800) 826-2969 ext 2

[email protected]

Contact: Bill Koch, Artistic Director.

Virginia City Players perform melodrama and vaudeville in the Virginia City Opera House in the historic Old West town Virginia City, Montana. VCP specializes in authentic 19th century entertainment and is Montana’s oldest summer stock company. The Virginia City Players perform nightly (with the exception of Monday) from Memorial Day through Labor Day. (See Ch.1: Non-Union Professional Theatre)



Bard on the Beach

301- 601 Cambie Street

Vancouver, BC

Canada V6B 2P1

Admin: (604) 737-0625

Box Office: 1 (877) 739-0559

[email protected]

Auditions are announced on the website. Bard on the Beach engages professional artists who are members of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association under the terms of the Independent Theatre Agreement.

Shakespeare Kelowna Theatre Society

4321 Dunvegan Court

Kelowna, BC

Canada V1W 2L6

[email protected]

Auditions are announced on the website.


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